From 25 April 2025 09:15 until 25 April 2025 11:30
At Australian War Memorial
Posted by Ian Cook
Categories: Significant Event
Hits: 70
Who: All Association members, vistors and their families
What: ANZAC Day Commemorations including marching as part of the National Veteran's March following by a time for reflection with mates
Veteran March - Australian War Memorial (AWM)
Post-march gathering - The Mecure Hotel, Ainslie (formerly known as Olims)
Phase 1 - Dawn Service. Under own arrangements. Options include:
Phase 2 - National Veteran's March
Phase 3 - Reflection post-march
Dress: Conservative dress (smart/business attire) with medals, honours and awards as appropriate
Cost: Self-funded
RSVP: To allow for planning of snacks etc at Phase 3, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.