

The ACT RAEME Association is open to all ranks and membership is automatic with no subscription requirements for serving and ex-serving Corps members in the ACT and surrounding district.

To register, click below to enter your relevant details. 

Icon Membership

Once registered as a member, you will be added to our three email address groups. These are:

  • Corps Newsletters (monthly). Members in this group will only receive the monthly newsletter, RAEME in ACTion. 
  • ACT-based events (per event). This group will receive notifications of impending events and gatherings in the ACT region.
  • Significant Corps Matters (as appropriate). This group will receive information relating to our broader Corps in general, including Welfare or Vale notifications when received or other matters as they arise. These will not be regular emails, but only sent when required.

To manage subscriptions to our email lists, or to join one or more of our mailing lists without becoming a member, please click below:

 Icon Emails

