Cookie’s ADF Transition Checklist––v3.0 (May 2022)
- This checklist is not an official ADF document. It does however try to draw key events from the various Defence policy documents relating to Transition from the ADF.
- In general, this checklist was structured around medical transitions, specifically to regain control of the process.
- Most of the steps in it may still relate to voluntary transition but little-to-no reference is provided regarding other career options such as Service Category transfers.
Preparation for Use
- First and foremost, you must consider your personal circumstances and understand that whilst this checklist provides generic information, there may be other steps that relate to your personal circumstances.
You must seek current advice from your Chain of Command and ADF Transitions Cell to ensure your personal circumstances are addressed.
Next, look at the URL in the footer of this document to ensure you have downloaded and are using the most current version of this checklist.
This checklist supports three distinct folios of information that you will need to compile as well as an optional fourth folio.The concept with the folios is that they hold the most important information required for your transition in one place. These folios may be as simple as manila folders, ring binders, expandable folders or whatever suits your needs. Add or remove information as required to suit your needs.
Folio 1–Important Information. This folio has generic information gathered during the transition process.It should be compiled and taken to all appointments or meetings regarding transition.
Folio 2–DVA Claims. This folio will contain all informationregarding your DVA claims. The cover sheet provides a template for tracking individual claim progress. It should be compiled and taken to all appointments regarding current or potential DVA claims.
Folio 3–Medical Information. This folio will contain your medical, dental and psychological files (if so desired). It should be compiled and taken to all appointments regarding medical matters.
Folio 4–Key References (optional). This folio will contain copies of any Defence policies that may relate to you. The coversheet provided provides links to these polices as well as several useful websites. It should be noted that policy regularly changes, hence its currency may be questionable. It shouldhowever provide a starting point for your journey towards transition from the ADF. Just be sure to check the currency of information provided as required.
- Additional cover sheets for each folio are available at the URL at the bottom of each page.
Checklist Structure
This Checklist is broken into the following distinctive sections.
SECTION 1 – When you are considering separation (or beginning the medical discharge process)
This section provides general considerations.
For medically transitioning pers, it provides steps to consider prior to your first presentation at your Central Medical Employment Classification Review (CMECR) and the subsequent Medical Employment Classification Review Board(s) (MECRB).
The dates for each Board are is to be noted when known.
SECTION 2 – When your separation has been confirmed
These are the activities that should be considered prior to and after your separation from Defence.
Enter your Separation Date when known.
If you are using a hard-copy of this Checklist, write it in pencil as it may change.
SECTION 3 – After your separation
These are activities to be considered post-transition.
SECTION 4 – Other activities
This is room for you to add additional requirements or tasks as required.
The columns included in each section are:
Planned/Due. These are approximate dates when activities should or must be completed by. They are not consecutive, hence could be completed in any order but where a Defence policy that was current atthe time of writing this Checklist requires an activity to be completed within a certain number of days prior to or following a key activity, that due date will be referred to as such. You should write in relevant calendar dates when known.
Activity. This is an overview of what you need to do. Where a policy is referred to, read that policy. Activities that are considered to be of high importance, are in bold. Activities that are almost exclusively required for medical separations only are in italics.
Folio Reference. This is a reference to the relevant folio in which you will store any gathered information. This is written as Folio Number—Folio Chapter—Chapter Section.
Status / Comment. Use this section to record any brief notes regarding this activity, eg “Awaiting xyz”
Complete. Tick this box when this activity is complete.
Final Thought
Transition from the ADF may be confronting for a variety of reasons. This is normal.
If you find the process difficult to manage, SEEK SUPPORT.
You are not alone.

Download Link