DVA Payment Comparison Tool
This spreasheet provides a means to compare options over time relating payments from DVA in a lump sum, pension or compbination of the two.
This is intended to inform your decision to accept a lump sum payment, pension or combination of both.
The current version includes rough calculations re what savings may be realised if you apply payments or pensions (in full) against home loans.
This spreadsheet assumes a magic world with consistent returns. It does not look at your individual circumstances. This is not professional financial advice; it is just a tool.
Always get professional advice before accepting an offer.

Download Link
You can download the updated version (v2.0) at: https://bit.ly/DVAPaymentComparisons
Note: This spreadsheet is located on a publicly-accessable DropBox folder. If you have DropBox installed on your device (not necessary) and you are asked to Request Permission to access this file, your app is almost certainly in need of update. If that occurs, please update your app and try again.